
The Outreach Team would like to invite you to support our new Fundscrip Fundraiser! What exactly is it? Well, it is a gift card based fundraising method for St. John’s United Church. By purchasing gift cards through this program, members and the community can raise money for the church without spending any more than they normally would on groceries and other shopping.

How does it work? When you buy a gift card through the Fundscrip program, the restaurant or store for which you bought the card will donate a % of the value of the card to St John’s United Church. The percentage of the donation from the store coincides with the fees that they would have otherwise paid to major credit card companies. You get the full value of the gift card + regular air miles/bonus points etc., and the church receives much needed funding.

Option 1 – Go online to, click on Support a Group and then enter the code: HLABDX . You can pay via e-transfer, credit card, online bill payment or Interact Online. The payment cards will then be mailed directly to you.

Option 2 – Download a PDF of the order form, return it in to Pam or Fern with a cheque and then you will receive a notification when your payment cards are ready for pick up. Visit for a complete list of participating retailers. 

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